Thursday, November 18, 2010

John (not so) Caged

Perhaps they'd produced a piece called the "prepared orchestra", where every instrument adds materials to drastically change the original timbre.

This second is better sounding to me. Why? The timbre produced by the individual notes are clearer (perhaps more carefully prepared), hence giving a certain idea which the performer seems to want to drive at. Compared with the first, which was too "random" for my taste, this recording is more telling.

1 comment:

  1. hello! definitely agree that i too prefer the second one, for its better tone and perhaps, even for the quality of recording as well.
    Still, prepared piano sounds like muted gamelan to me!

    hmm, prepared orchestra - equivalent to different techniques used? eg. use of mutes for brasses, barrel and headjoints for woodwind instruments to create effects?
