Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Berg, "Schliesse mir die Augen beide"

Youtube has the 1925 setting.

Rhythm + Form:
The first 4 bars though in 5-4, form the usual short-short-long structure(is that called a sentence?)

From Bar 5, the vocal part is then phrased in groups of 8 quavers(3 sets), with the last set serving as an overlap(ending phrase + reprise).

Ending 2 phrases are re-extended to the 5-4 meter, perhaps to serve as closure?

Is there any asymmetrical effect for the piano right hand to break away from the 8 quaver groupings? Only leaving the left hand in the same hypermeter as the vocals?

1 comment:

  1. 十三幺,
    Good start! You've made some pertinent observation and comments. I'd like you to refine your interpretation with these pointers:
    i. the first four bars of the vocal melody do "look" like a sentence structure, but when you listen to it (or sing it yourself), do you feel that that it is really short-short-long? Listen to the accompaniment as well.
    ii. You are spot-on to point out the switch to 4-beat phrasing within 5/4 metre at bs. 5-7 as well as the 'reprise' function of the third phrase. Can you comment in more detail about the rather unusual reprise? Hint: compare bs. 1-2 with 6-7.
    iii. Examine/listen more closely the rhythmic/metric handling in the final two bars?
